Sell with Confidence
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A committed Sales Agent with a passion for the business, Kylie Bezzina’s dedication to her clients’ success shines through everything she does. Her strong principles, honesty and integrity inform all her professional dealings as well as her overall approach to the buying and selling process.

Before joining real estate Kylie had extensive careers in both child care and corporate travel, areas in which she honed her time management and organisation skills and ability to draw a persons goals and desires. A perceptive listener, she has a meticulous attention to detail and a resilient toughness when negotiating the best deal.

Kylie treats every client as a unique individual and designs a marketing strategy to specifically achieve the best possible outcome. She is caring, compassionate and nurturing with transparent communication, guiding her clients throughout the process, step-by-step, to ensure a seamless sales experience.

Kylie continues to build on her solid reputation by exhibiting an unwavering dedication, exceptional level of area expertise and the best possible customer care. Dedicated and driven, her aim has always been to build solid relationships and deliver consistently excellent service that exceeds her clients expectations.

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